
Bersama teman Anda, latihlah untuk menyatakan suatu pendapat, kemudian teman Anda menyatakan persetujuan/ketidaksetujuan terhadap pendapat Anda. Lakukan pula sebaliknya.

READING and WRITING a foreign language are analytical skills.
You may be good at these if you are a logical person who attends to detail.
Train yourself through practice to notice and remember details such as accents and gender agreement.
  1. First, read the vocabulary list for the assignment.
Next, read the questions about the reading. Then read all the way through
a new passage two or three times, guessing at meaning from context.
Avoid word-by-word translation. It is a waste of time!
  2. Isolate new vocabulary and study it separately.
DON'T write between the lines! Make flash cards.
Carry them with you and recite them several times during the day
at odd moments. Overlearn them until they are automatic.
  3. Isolate new grammatical forms and study them separately.
Write the pattern on a flash card and memorize it. Write out and label
a model sentence. When you encounter the form while reading, pause and
recite the pattern to recognize the form.
  1. Pay attention to detail: notice accents, order of letters, etc.
Compare letter-by-letter different forms (singular, plural, gender, etc.)
 Write out conjugations of verbs, declensions of pro-nouns, etc.,
and check your endings. Memorize irregular verbs.
  2. To master spelling, have a friend dictate 10 words to you.
Write them out and immediately have your friend spell them correctly
aloud while you look carefully and point at each letter.
Repeat until you get all the words right.
  3. Write (in your own simple foreign vocabulary words) a story
you have just read.
LISTENING and SPEAKING are performance skills.
You may do well at these if you are naturally outgoing.
Students in foreign language classes often have difficulty hearing
and speaking because they are anxious about making mistakes.
It's OK to make mistakes! Have fun trying to speak!

  1. Frequent the language lab. Read the exercises in your book first;
then listen and read together; then listen without looking at the print.
Say aloud/write what you hear.
  2. Participate silently in class when others are called on to speak.
Focus on the task; don't worry about how you'll do.
  3. If you feel nervous, relax yourself physically by taking
a couple of slow, deep breaths. When called on, pause, relax, and give
yourself time to respond.
  4. Listen while a friend dictates to you and write what you hear.
Check for accuracy.
  5. Practice: join language clubs, watch foreign TV,
listen to foreign radio.
  1. Study out loud! Mimic the sounds of the language. Don't mumble.
Although most people feel embarrassed making strange sounds,
the language will soon feel more familiar to you.
  2. When called on in class, say something, even it it's wrong:
you'll learn from it. If you need a moment to think, repeat the question.
If you don't know the answer, say in your foreign language,
"I don't know" or "help!"
  3. Practice with a foreign student
who wants your help to learn English or with another class member.

(Reference source:

Panduan Berbahasa Inggris/Di ruang makan

Beberapa kata yang sering digunakan di Ruang Makan
  1. Minta segelas air
    May I have a glass of water?
  2. Minta sup
    May I have a cup of soup?
  3. Ijin duduk
    Can I sit here?
  4. Silakan
  5. Selamat makan
    Have a nice meal
  6. Terima kasih
    Thank you
  7. Vocabulary List
    • Pintu 4 = Door 4
    • Meja Kehormatan = Honourable table

Panduan Berbahasa Inggris/Pengumuman

1.Telah hilang sebuah jam tangan merek G-Shock milik Abang Arcon.Bagi yang menemukannya harap menghubungi Abang Arcon, graha 15.
A G-Shock watch which belongs to Abang Arcon is missing.Whoever find it, please contact Abang Arcon, dormitory 15
2. Kelas 1.2 harap berkumpul setelah makan siang di plaza pancasila
  (To the members of class 1.2, please gather after lunch at Plaza Pancasila)
3. Abang kelas tiga yang meminjam buku biologi kelas 1 terbitan erlangga harap mengembalikan kepada siswa Ari Condro, kelas 1-4 !
  (To the third-grade student who borrowed a first-grade Biology book published by Erlangga, please
   return it to Ari Condro, student of class 1-4)

Panduan Berbahasa Inggris/Di ruang kelas

Salah satu cara menciptakan lingkungan berbahasa inggris yang kondusif adalah dengan membuat aturan yang mewajibkan siswa untuk menggunakan bahasa inggris selama berada di dalam kelas. Semua keperluan harus diucapkan dalam bahasa inggris seperti ingin izin ke kamar mandi, ingin bertanya, minta diterangkan kembali, meminjam barang, dan sebagainya. Pertanyaan, izin atau pernyataan yang disampaikan dengan bahasa indonesia harus diabaikan. Tidak peduli siswa hanya mampu mengatakan "I go to WC" untuk mengatakan bahwa ia minta izin untuk ke kamar mandi, misalnya. Dari situ siswa akan memahami bahwa mereka harus mempersiapkan diri menghafalkan kalimat untuk keperluan mereka di kelas. Dengan demikian, akan terbangun motivasi siswa mencari jalan apapun agar mereka sanggup berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris, paling tidak dengan guru di kelas. Dan ujung-ujungnya kemampuan berbahasa Inggris mereka akan semakin baik dari hari ke hari.
Beberapa ekspresi bahasa inggris yang bisa dihafalkan dan dibiasakan siswa di kelas antara lain:
1. "Excuse me Sir/Mam, I want to go to the bathroom" 2. "Could you close the door, please?" 3. "May I borrow your pencil, please?" 4. "Could you lend me your book, please?" 5. "Excuse me Sir/Mam, I have got a question" 6. "I'm sorry sir/mam, I dont understand, could you repeat once more, please?"

Panduan Berbahasa Inggris/Di graha

hi i m ruzi iskandar and you...?

Panduan Berbahasa Inggris/Bertemu turis

MEETING A TOURIST (bertemu seorang pelancong)
FAUZI : Excuse me, sir! I'm a student of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. 

           I have a task about interviewing a foreign tourist. 

           Do you mind if I talk with you for a minute? 

Mr. MARCUS : Sure. 

F  : Would you tell me why are you visiting Indonesia? 
M : Well, I like to see the beautiful scenery of Indonesia. 
Besides, I'm a geographer. I come to see Indonesia's geography.

F   : Where do you come from? 

M  : I'm from Germany. 

F   : Who did you come here with? 

M  : I came here with my wife and children. They're enjoying the sunset right now. 

F    : How long are you going to stay in Indonesia? 

M   : Not more than a month, about three weeks. 

F     : Alright, sir. Thank you for your cooperation. See you later. 

M    : You're welcome. See you later.

Panduan Berbahasa Inggris/Di ruang olahraga

A: "what are you doing tomorrow evening?"
B: "I am going to do nothing tomorrow evening"
A: "would you like to play tennis with me tomorrow evening"
B: "yes I do like to play tennis"
A: "okay let's get together tomorrow evening to play tennis"
B: "yes that would be great"

Panduan Berbahasa Inggris/Baris berbaris

Di bawah ini adalah beberapa perintah baris berbaris dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris.
1. Siap, grak ...
     (Atten ... tion)
2. Istirahat di tempat, grak ...
      (At ease ...)
3. Hormat, grak ...
     (Salute ...)
4. Bubar, jalan ... 
    (Dismissed ...)

Template by : Kendhin